" Exister - c’est s’engager "

Conférence dansée

The story of hip hop is no stereotypical tale. On the contrary, it has to do with acts of resistance to injustice, reconciliation, brotherhood, cultural exchanges and social pacification. This is the power of art!

            It all began in the Bronx, USA.

            To pacify the frequent brawls among the gangs formed by the different segregated or discriminated communities in US society, such as African or Puerto Rican Americans, Italian, German or Irish immigrants, some Afro-Americans suggested dance competitions could replace the recurrent fighting among them.

            And so, reinforced by the spirit or spirituality of their African origins, which has advocated solidarity, inter-generational communication, hospitality, rhythm and dance since the origins, these talented young people gradually invented a new form of expression, based on the mix of several types of dance. Indeed, as we were told, by revisiting diverse existing movements in sports, jazz, dance, mime, drama, cinema, or even robotics, they eventually created an innovative type of choregraphic art, which still has a powerful impact on the artistic scene today.

            Thus, not only had a new culture, called hip hop, begun to develop, but we could go as far as saying that a kind of art therapy was at its inception in the USA.

            Thanks to the performance by the Pyramid company, that took place in our school on November 6th, 2023, with Maddy, our current American assistant, our students, including mine and Mrs Dalmasso's, were able to benefit from this healing experience.

            In my view, to the everyday person, in particular young people like our students, expressions of art such as the Pyramid’s hip hop danced and dancing lecture are a thousand times more instructive and impactful, rather than any didactic speeches standing for a cause.